Post by smilelino on Aug 5, 2009 9:03:11 GMT
If Bridget would still be alive,: -which storyline would you have wanted DecGet to been given? What would you have wanted to see still happening to them?
1.I would have loved seeing Declan having a big AFL-career and to see how he would cope with having a family and being famous. 2. DecGet and India being a proper family with Paul and Rebbecca (but without the Parkers). Seeing how they would have a close family relationship with Paul and relate to each other on the long run. 3. Living by themselves and coping with no day to day help from parents.
Post by Bee on Aug 5, 2009 10:34:05 GMT
I'd love to have seen Declan go big with the AFL career, Bridget would be a stay at home mum but also studying part time at Uni. I think they would have stayed at home for at least another 6 months or whatever before moving out, i can see them in a little apartment (In neighboursland it'd be the apartment that Declan and Rebecca originally lived in, and that Carmella and Chloe lived in etc) I couldn't see them stay on the street more then a year or two though after Indy was born, they'd probebly move somewhere that would help with Dec's AFL career or something.
Post by Ali on Aug 5, 2009 20:06:44 GMT
i guess i would have liked to see them finish school together. They started together so it only seemed right that they should have finished together. In fact it would have been great to see the three of them sail of into the sunset - happy ever after ... but i guess it wasn't to be. It was a brave move killing her off. They effectively finished their best storyarc Neighbours has had in a very, very long time. For me those two made the show in the last year. Even if they were just in the background they stole the scene and it's just so not going to be the same having Dec there without her and you know it's the show's own fault that we don't want to see Dec paired off with anybody else. They put SO much into them - far more than any other couple (except perhaps Scott and Charlene in the hey day!) so we fell completely in love with them and really believed in them - they can hardly expects us to then ship him with someone else so soon can they?? Or perhaps i'm alone in that but i personally am not forward to seeing Dec 'Move on' especially if it's with Kate - urgh it's like she's slotted in to Didge's place - here Katie have her best friend, here katie might aswell get her husband aswell!
Post by suse on Aug 5, 2009 23:08:39 GMT
I just wanted to see them finish school, move out of home into their own place, and just watch them become adults...sigh. I actually wonder though what we would have got if she stayed on for a long period. I mean look what they have done to Kusan...affairs, divorces, marriages to other people...maybe we are lucky we don't have to endure any of that. And you are right Ali. They put so much effort into making the relationship so believable and loved, and now its just going to be absolutely tortorous watching Dec without her...or even worse..with kate. And not only could she get her hands on Didge's friends and husband..but her daughter as well...ugh !!!
Post by smilelino on Aug 5, 2009 23:38:35 GMT
and you know it's the show's own fault that we don't want to see Dec paired off with anybody else. They put SO much into them - far more than any other couple (except perhaps Scott and Charlene in the hey day!) so we fell completely in love with them and really believed in them - they can hardly expects us to then ship him with someone else so soon can they?? Or perhaps i'm alone in that but i personally am not forward to seeing Dec 'Move on' especially if it's with Kate - urgh it's like she's slotted in to Didge's place - here Katie have her best friend, here katie might aswell get her husband aswell! So true, i can't imagine him with anyone else.
Post by maggi1980 on Aug 6, 2009 8:09:44 GMT
I may be in the mainority here but I think they did the right thing by killing her. It almost felt like the right time. Given what happens in Neighbours would we have really ever seen them as happy as they had been for the last 2 years? I think in the run up to her death we had a small taster of wht may have lay ahead. Bickering and sniping at each other and their friends. Would we have really wanted to watch that. But if they hadn't killed her off, then I would have liked to see them living together after Dec had finished school. Him getting a full time job at lassisters and them moving away.
Post by Ali on Aug 6, 2009 9:10:28 GMT
I may be in the mainority here but I think they did the right thing by killing her. It almost felt like the right time. Given what happens in Neighbours would we have really ever seen them as happy as they had been for the last 2 years? yep i agree. It would have been torture reading about them cheating on each other etc, etc, - at least this way they went out on a high. And will be remembered for that aswell I just have this feeling that the show are utilising James as much as they can (ie giving him a new love interest far too soon) because i don't think he'll be sticking around. I won't be at all suprised he sees out his 3 year contract (or if was two and he signed on for another year when Eloise quit) and he leaves our screens next summer. I hope he does - he's too good an actor to stay in Neighbours Mind you what do i know? He'll probably end up being the new Toadie and staying for years! ;D
Post by smilelino on Aug 6, 2009 10:27:02 GMT
Mind you what do i know? He'll probably end up being the new Toadie and staying for years! ;D Hope not, because then he will for sure get another soulmate. How about a hollywood film with James and Eloise. Something like "Pretty Women" or "sleepless in Seattle", "Titanic" or even "Romeo and Juliet"
Post by Bee on Aug 6, 2009 11:19:10 GMT
Mind you what do i know? He'll probably end up being the new Toadie and staying for years! ;D Hope not, because then he will for sure get another soulmate. How about a hollywood film with James and Eloise. Something like "Pretty Women" or "sleepless in Seattle", "Titanic" or even "Romeo and Juliet" unless he's somewhat like Steph and just as disastrious after disatrious relationships because noones right for him after Didge.. i could never ever see him go into a full on relationship with another woman...i'd switch the tv off
Post by suse on Aug 7, 2009 10:05:27 GMT
i could never ever see him go into a full on relationship with another woman...i'd switch the tv off And I'll be switching off with you. I pray he leaves at the end of his 3 years and then Eloise and he can become some hot couple on a more adult drama. Not like Underbelly hot ....because for starters they probably wouldn't live out an episode, but something like Packed to the Rafters, or Rush.
Post by Ali on Aug 7, 2009 10:35:11 GMT
ooh i like the sound of that! i've never heard of those last two - are they good programmes then?? i did watch some of underbelly and i really liked it! - although probably more for the fact of recognising loads of old faces - i was like "ooh it's Dee from Neighbours" and "Drazic from Heartbreak high!!" etc etc. ;D
Post by Bee on Aug 7, 2009 11:39:22 GMT
something like packed to the rafters would be interesting with james and eloise...i've never actually watched rush before lol i see the add's all the time but i never actually watched it.
Post by suse on Aug 7, 2009 11:58:39 GMT
I don't really watch Rush either, but when I flicked on it the other night two of them were going at it in the change room ...and we won't mention what they get up to on Underbelly. Having said that though from having seen that clip of James in Satisfaction I am sure he would be well and truly up to the challenge . Sorry..out of the gutter...back on topic ! Right what else could have happened to them. Maybe they could have had another pregnancy scare...like when Indy was 8 weeks old....imagine that...18 and 2 kids under 2 .
Post by Bee on Aug 7, 2009 12:01:36 GMT
eek that is a scary thought....
....it's Declan's 19th birthday tomorrow (he turned 18 on the 8/8/08) dont ask me how i remember that....
Post by suse on Aug 7, 2009 12:06:41 GMT
Oh is it. Whats the bet it won't be mentioned . I hope I am wrong. All that 18th birthday stuff seems so long ago, and that continues to be one of my favourite periods for them. And its nice to have a birth date for Didge at last. Party here on the 31st ??.